Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tornado death toll now at 156 - KOAM TV 7 Joplin and Pittsburg

Tornado death toll now at 156 - KOAM TV 7 Joplin and Pittsburg

1 comment:

  1. Sure hoping that this 156 number for those who died in the tornado or of tornado related injuries is the end number. However we know that there are many more in critical condition at many hospitals where tornado victims have been sent. Many prayers are going up. Most of us that have driven through town are just amazed that so many were spared and wonder how in the world they lived through what we see. I have a young friend who is a barista at one of the local Starbucks and he was on an upper floor of one of the apartment buildings that are horrendously crushed and nothing but a pile of rubble. In am so grateful that he survived
